Save the Date!

Peaceful Refuge Sangha invites you to an in-person Day of Mindfulness in the Plum Village tradition with Dharma teacher Barbara Casey.

Saturday, June 14, 2025

9 am – 3 pm

at Trinity Episcopal Church, Ashland

Joyfully Together

No Coming, No Going in the Ultimate Dimension

As we enjoy the miracle of practicing together as one organism, we will ground and deepen our experience of life in the present moment. We will remind ourselves what is most important: cherishing that we are alive and that we share this path with countless beloved siblings. In this way, we learn to rest in the Ultimate Dimension, our birthright of profound joy.

Our time together will include our daily practices of sitting, walking, silence, and eating. We will also listen, share from the heart, and sing as one body.

We will enjoy a special ceremony to both honor our sangha members who have died and to welcome the baby Buddha and the summer solstice.

We will feast on the comfort and delight of being together, and nourish ourselves with the nutrients we greatly need in these times.

More information to follow, including how to register.

All are welcome!