
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate your mind in the present moment.

The dharma is freely offered.  Your donation to support these efforts would be deeply appreciated.

You may make checks payable to Peaceful Refuge Sangha; mail to P.O. Box 373, Ashland,  OR 97520

Thank you for your interest.



Visit for many dharma talks by Thich Nhat Hanh.  The dharma talks are archived by both topic and date.


Nourishing Happiness - Talk by Barbara Casey
on September 22, 2022


How Can I Help? - Talk by Barbara Casey
on January 10, 2023
Bodhisattva Manjushri
"The Bodhisattva of Great Understanding"

How Can I Help? Part 2 - Talk by Barbara Casey
on April 4, 2023
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
"The Bodhisattva of Great Compassion"

How Can I Help? Part 3 - Talk by Barbara Casey
on June 4, 2023
Lotuses Returning to the Mountain
"Coming Home to the Beauty of our True Nature"

How Can I Help? Part 4 - Talk by Barbara Casey
On July 18, 2023
Bodhisattva Sadaparabhuta
“The Never-Disparaging Bodhisattva”

How Can I Help? Part 5 - Talk by Barbara Casey
On October 10, 2023
Bodhisattva Dharanimdhara
“The Earth Protector Bodhisattva”

Talk by Barbara Casey
On January 23, 2024
Welcome Maitreya!
The Buddha to be Born, the Buddha of Love.
Conscious Intention-Setting

Talk by Barbara Casey
On March 19, 2024
The Joy of an Open Hand

Talk by Barbara Casey
On May 21, 2024
Spacious Listening: Making Room for All

Talk by Barbara Casey
On July 23, 2924
Into the Mystery of the Great Belonging